Monthly Tech Support Plans

Our Dedicated Support packages are designed to allow you to utilize our services without feeling trapped or paying more than you should. Pay a flat amount each month, based on your setup and how many people work for you, and rely on our expertise to keep your tech running at full speed.

Support for the big issues like viruses, updates, software issues, data backup, and the small issues like helping your staff learn how to use their computers more effectively one question at a time.


Tech Support Packages Include:

Mac and PC Workstations
Desktops and Laptops
Antivirus and Malware Protection Assistance
Data Backup Processes
Server Support
Answer Questions Both Large and Small
Complimentary Monthly Office Computer Tuneups

...and much more!


LEVEL 1: $350 per month: Best for support for 2-5 people

LEVEL 2: $700 per month: Best for support for 6-10 people

LEVEL 3: $1500 per month: Best for support for 20 people

UNLIMITED: $2000 per month: Unlimited access to our dedicated team of tech support experts!

*These aren’t rigid requirements. If you have a larger operation but don’t find yourself needing tech support very often we’re happy to discuss what your needs are so we can offer you the package that meets your needs without overcharging you. If your needs go up over time we can always revisit your support level to match what you need from us.

We're happy to design a custom solution for you so if you don't see a package listed above that meets your needs just send us a message!